


"Mac OS 9: The Missing Manual"
by David Pogue
At some point, the people at software companies decided that on-screen help files and animated tutorials were sufficient to convey knowledge to users, so they stopped including paper manuals with their products. Presumably, the decision had nothing to do with the fact that manual-free products cost less to manufacture and ship. In any case, Mac guru (and all-around nice guy) David Pogue has come out with a series of Missing Manual books. He's written the flagship volume "Mac OS 9: The Missing Manual" himself, and it ranks among the best how-to Mac books around. With far fewer illustrations than you might expect, this book explains how to use all features of the latest edition of the fun-to-use system. Read more

Our Price: $15.96 | You Save: $3.99 (20%)   

"Outlook 2000 in a Nutshell"
by Tom Syroid and Bo Leuf
Nutshell books contain tons of carefully organized details, but they usually focus on programming languages or obscure network utilities. "Outlook 2000 in a Nutshell," however, contains the same kind of information about an application you may use every day. Power users--people who use Outlook 2000 a lot and aren't afraid to muck around with its many customizable features--will flock to this book. Without making you do much with Visual Basic for Applications (though they introduce you to that language), the authors show you how to manage mail, schedule your time, and otherwise collaborate with your co-workers in a way that maximizes your productivity. Read more

Our Price: $17.47 | You Save: $7.48 (30%)    

"Microsoft Project 2000 Bible"
by Elaine Marmel
Any complicated project requires careful monitoring of what's going on. Microsoft Project 2000 will help you track people, time, resources, and money so you're better able to make things come together at the end, profitably and on schedule. "Microsoft Project 2000 Bible" lifts the lid on this vastly powerful program, showing you how Project can help you do your job more effectively. The book doesn't confuse description with documentation either--the author is careful to explain her suggestions for using Project as a complement to your management style, not as an iron framework to which your operation must be made to conform. Particularly if you're new to Project, you'll appreciate what's here. Read more

Our Price: $31.99 | You Save: $8.00 (20%)   

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At the top of this month's General Computing bestseller list are excellent reference guides to Dreamweaver 3, JavaScript, and Flash 4.

"Dreamweaver 3 Bible"
by Joseph W. Lowery
According to Macromedia, there are few more qualified or capable to teach the ins and outs of Dreamweaver than author James Lowery. This high praise is well earned with the "Dreamweaver 3 Bible," a comprehensive manual that covers everything from basic site creation to working with Fireworks, as well as using CSS, DHTML, XML, and multimedia. Read more

Our Price: $27.99 | You Save: $12.00 (30%)    

"JavaScript for the World Wide Web"
by Tom Negrino and Dori Smith
JavaScript is great, but at best it is a complementary language for Web development. "JavaScript for the World Wide Web" offers a productive, how-to style that lets you solve a problem or pick up a trick and then move on with the rest of your work. Read more

Our Price: $14.39 | You Save: $3.60 (20%)   

"Flash 4 for Windows and Macintosh: Visual QuickStart Guide"
by Katherine Ulrich
Flash is a great name for an application; who wouldn't want to add flash to their designs? In practice, Macromedia Flash 4 is a complex set of tools for creating animated and interactive graphics that can be played within most up-to-date Web browsers. "Flash 4 for Windows and Macintosh: Visual QuickStart Guide" is a well-paced, thorough introduction to all that this powerful application has to offer. Read more

Our Price: $15.19 | You Save: $3.80 (20%)   

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We've all heard of viruses, but what about spoofing, denial-of-service attacks, and firewalls? For anyone putting up a Web server at home or for a small business, security is always a concern. Covering DSL-to-modem connections, our Amazon.com buying guide can help you fortify your home machine against any "un-lovely" bug. Read more

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This month, it's all about the drive. We've picked our favorite utilities for cleaning up and dusting off the hidden corners of your hard disk drive for maximum performance.

"DriveCopy 3.0"
by PowerQuest
Seeing Double? Like so many of PowerQuest's products, DriveCopy 3.0 performs a gritty and unglamorous task, but fulfills its purpose so well that it more than earns its purchase price. DriveCopy makes it easy to transfer the entire contents of one hard disk--including hidden files and the contents of the Master Boot Record (MBR)--to another. What's more, it deals smoothly with situations in which the source drive or partition and the target are of different capacities. Read more

Our Price: $22.99   

"Norton SystemWorks 2000"
by Symantec
If you use Windows 95 or 98, this package of utilities will give you top-of-the-line virus protection, low-profile monitoring of all your important system information, simple file cleanup, and much more. Installation's easy, and although it takes a while to set up the initial features (especially the Web services), it's a fantastic investment of time since you'll be free from the hassles caused by viruses and mysterious data loss. Read more

Our Price: $53.99   

"Partition Magic 5.0"
by PowerQuest
Our customers rave about Partition Magic, and we think it's pretty swell too. People say that breaking up is hard to do, but if you've got Partition Magic 5 on your side, you can slice and dice your hard disk drives easily and painlessly. You'll need to start from DOS or Windows, but you can add as many different operating systems as you like once you've got the partitions set correctly. Read more

Our Price: $49.99   

"Panda Antivirus Platinum"
by Panda Software
It's strange to think of a PC utility as glamorous, but this one certainly is. With European accolades galore, Panda delivers total security along with its slick package. Calm, reassuring, and pragmatic without being inflammatory, Panda's continental tone will help take the worry out of interacting with the world through your PC. Read more

Our Price: $27.99   

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What will General Computing gurus be reading next? These guides have garnered the most pre-orders from Amazon.com customers--before they've even been published.

"Dreamweaver 3 Hands-On Training"
by Lynda Weinman, Publication date: July 2000
This new edition features a brand-new chapter on the latest Dreamweaver developments, such as how to use plug-ins, and lots of information on the other newest Dreamweaver features such as the HTML-styles palette, the expanded objects palette, and the automatic application of HTML tags--eliminating your dependency on Cascading Style Sheets. Read more

Our Price: $39.99   

"HTML 4 Bible, Second Edition"
by Bryan Pfaffenberger, Publication date: July 2000
With a companion CD-ROM chock-full of the latest browsers (Amaya, Netscape, Internet Explorer, and Opera), the second edition of the "HTML 4 Bible" will have you well versed on the latest developments to the standard for Web-page construction. The rules of HTML 4.01 allow you to create XHTML documents. Other highlights include integration with SMIL, MathML, and SVG. Read more

Our Price: $31.99 | You Save: $8.00 (20%)   

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"Easy CD Creator 4.0 Deluxe"
From Adaptec
With "Easy CD Creator 4.0 Deluxe" you can burn and store your media--music, video, or images--or back up your data for long-term storage. It's smokin'! Check out great tech-savvy titles in our Software store. Read more

Our Price: $74.99   

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